Monday, December 22, 2008
Wheel Chair Distribution Update
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
Wheel Chair Distribution
My boss, Woody, left for Guatemala this morning. He and our man in Guatemala, Dennis, will be providing logistical support for a Joni and Friends wheelchair distribution team.
Please pray for a great trip.
Bruce White
Vine International, P.O. Box 52086, Knoxville TN 37950
Tuesday, December 2, 2008
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
Arizona Ride
Saturday, October 4, 2008
Shipping News
The container left from our collection center at about 12:30 PM on Saturday. It should be in Guatemala by the end of next week. Please pray that customs doesn't take too long. The last one took four weeks.
Woody tells me that MAP International is putting together another entire container of just medicines for us. What a blessing! It will be just one of the many containers that are sent to our distribution center in Guatemala that never pass through our warehouse in Tennessee. We'll also be importing a container of 200 wheelchairs for Joni and Friends Wheels for the World before the year is out, and the next container that we'll ship from our collection center should be ready to sail by the end of November.
Sunday, Oct. 5, I'll leave for Arizona for two weeks of ministry and fun, so if you send me a message or e-mail don't expect a reply for a while.
Bruce WhiteVine International, P.O. Box 52086, Knoxville TN 37950
Wednesday, October 1, 2008
Shipping date changed.
As a result, I will now leave for Arizona on Sunday, Oct. 5.
Sunday, September 28, 2008
Next Shipment
On Oct. 4 I leave for Arizona. I'll be out of the "bodega" (and away from my computor) for 2 weeks.
Please pray for a speedy trip for the container, and a safe trip for me. Go to "Bodega and Bikes" for details about my Arizona trip.
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
Grace Online
The key is relationship. The closer I am to someone, the more likely I am to be able to have a theological debate that is mutually edifying.
Most of the people we meet online we will never meet face to face this side of eternity. Our relationship will never be very close, and many who read our post are total strangers. We come from a broad range of backgrounds and Biblical traditions. We cannot fully know the heart of our closest friend, much less the folks we meet online. Here we can only share our words with one another. We will never be as close to those here as we are to those we share our lives with day to day. So, in order to not offend casual acquaintances and strangers, I try not to bring up controversial subjects online, and when/if I respond to a post I try to do so with love and respect. I’ve seen folks get belligerent and/or hurt on-line, and it‘s unfortunate. I choose carefully who I debate with, and when I read something on-line that I do not agree with I try to learn whatever I can from that person and move on, not allowing myself to be offended. After all, I may be wrong, and only the Holy Spirit can change my heart and mind.
Please try to be polite and respectful to those you meet online.
If you disagree with what I’ve just written, I am not offended. I hope you will extend to me the grace to be wrong.
Monday, September 15, 2008
Monday, September 8, 2008
Next Shipment
Thursday, August 28, 2008
Me new Web Logs
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
Monday, August 18, 2008
Container Arrived
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
Not Much
Tuesday, July 29, 2008
Devil's Triangle
The only drawbacks were the rain that canceled the bike rodeo, and the very small turnout. I fear Odie may have lost his shirt on this one.
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
Tuesday, July 15, 2008
Shipping News
The container shipped on schedule. PTL! I hope to have the next one ready to go before the end of September.
Wednesday, July 9, 2008
Friday, July 4, 2008
To see a great video about the Patriot Guard scroll down to “Links” and click on “Why be a Patriot Guard.”
Thursday, June 26, 2008
Shipping News - Date Change
Monday, June 23, 2008
Shipping News - Vine International
Inspiration Riders
Monday, June 16, 2008
Personal News
Monday, June 16, is our monthly Inspiration Riders chapter meeting. Everyone is welcome. Location: Knoxville Harley-Davidson on Lovell Road. Third floor in the HOG room. Meeting starts at 7:pm.
Friday, June 13, 2008
Prayer Request
Wednesday, June 11, 2008
TENT REVIVAL; update w/photo
[May 10, 2008] We had a great turn out for the Tent Revival sponsored by the Trinity Warriors (Athens TN chapter, CMA). There were about 100 people in attendance. We had a lot of great music, which included the band from our own Inspiration Riders, a traditional string band from Chattanooga, a husband and wife duet, and the “one man band” of Mike Crofts of “Step of Faith Ministries.” After the music the President of the Trinity Warriors, Alan Bohannon, delivered the message. Food and fellowship followed.
[Visit the Trinity Warriors on-line at ]

[Ride at your own risk. DOT helmet, motorcycle license, and insurance required for all riders. Cages welcome. You’re responsible for all your own expenses. To learn more about Living Water Ministries go to ]
Monday, June 2, 2008
Tent Revival Update
Thursday, May 29, 2008
Monday, May 26, 2008
“Unity, Liberty, and Love”

“Unity, Liberty, and Love”
An editorial by Bruce White
Often we Christians disagree about what the Bible means by what it says, as well as about how we should respond to it. That’s only natural. After all, none of us knows the mind of God fully. None of us understands the Gospel perfectly. None of us has all knowledge and understanding. All of us are learning and growing, and we will never understand all things fully this side of Glory. Some things in the Bible are clearly understood, and some are not. Scripture itself tells us that, “For now we see through a glass, darkly; but then face to face: now I know in part; but then shall I know even as also I am known.” [1 Cor. 13:12] Someday when we meet God “face to face” we will see how wrong we’ve been about many things, and we’ll also see those times when we got it right. Until then we should be humbled in the knowledge that we don’t know everything.
To disagree and debate is normal, and I would even say that it is healthy. A pastor friend once told me, “I’m glad that my congregation doesn’t agree with everything I say. It proves that they are thinking.” I learned a lot from that man, but there is still much that we do not agree on. We debated often, but always with love and respect.
I pray that we as Christians would always feel free to debate, and that we would always do so with love and respect for one another. The give and take of a good debate is a great learning tool that should not be disregarded.
It’s been said about the Christian faith that we should have “unity in the essentials; liberty in the non-essentials, and love in all things." We should always stand together on the clear teachings of Scripture, but please don’t be offended when someone disagrees with you over some doctrine that the Church has been debating for centuries. Defend your beliefs, but don’t vilify one another. None of us are perfect, so allow others the “liberty” to disagree with you. After all, they may be right.
Thursday, May 22, 2008
News from Guatemala
Tuesday, May 13, 2008
Guatemala Mission Teams Return
Monday, May 5, 2008
Monday Update
I’m trying to fight off some kind of respiratory malady that came on me last Friday.
Thursday, May 1, 2008
Vine Medical & Joni and Friends Mission Trip
Vine’s medical team will be traveling and working with a wheelchair distribution team from the Knoxville chapter of Joni and Friends. While Joni and Friends sees to the needs of the handicapped, our medical team will see to the needs of the sick, and all will be sharing the loving Gospel of Christ.
Please pray for our combined teams as they work and travel around Guatemala. They will return home on Friday, May 9.
Thank you for your prayers and support.
“Bodega” Bruce White
Monday, April 28, 2008
Devil’s Triangle Motorcycle Rally

The CMA held services on Sunday morning. By the time we got the band set up most of the rally goers had left. It began to rain just before we started the service, so most of those who were still there listened from their tents. I sang lead with the Inspiration Riders Band. “Spider” Tom played bass, Dick Anderson played guitar, and Bob Winter played drums. Lonnie Craig delivered a steering message and gave an invitation, which received no response.
On Saturday one of our Inspiration Riders, Wendell Connor, went off the road on one of the many hairpin turns. The following is from e-mails I received about Wendell.
Date: Sat, 26 Apr 2008 22:41:31 “Hi, warriors. I just left St. Mary’s North about an hour ago. Our brother Wendell Conner had the unfortunate experience of going down hard on 116 this afternoon. He has a concussion, and three broken bones in his right hand and wrist. He also has a very deep gash in his right hand and several gashes in his right leg.”
Date: Sun, 27 Apr 2008 10:55:39 “I’ve already talked to Kim Conner this morning. Wendell was sent home last night around midnight. He’s very sore and in a lot of pain. Doris and I are taking lunch to them in a little while and I’ll have an additional update for you later this afternoon. Continue to remember them both in your prayers. Wendell was “blessed” to go off into a fresh vegetable garden where the soil was very soft.”
Date: Sun, 27 Apr 2008 16:33:26 “Wendell is very sore and in quite a bit of pain. He’s “obeying” Miss Kim well. He goes to KOC tomorrow for evaluation of the breaks in his right hand and wrist. His left hand, along with most of the rest of his body, is badly bruised and that makes holding anything difficult.”
Please pray for a speedy recover, and thank God that it was not more serious.
On a more personal not; I went home every night during the rally, and I had a blast carving the Devil’s Triangle on my Bonnie. I’m no daredevil by any stretch of the imagination, but I do love a winding country road.
Tuesday, April 22, 2008
Me and my Bonnie

We’ll be playing before the CMA’s Sunday morning service at the Devils Triangle Motorcycle Rally at Grey Wolf Campground on April 27. The service starts at 9:00AM. Our speakers will be Lonnie Greg and Sandi Fatow.
Please pray that many will come to know the Lord during this evangelistic outreach.
To learn more about the rally go to
That’s right. Steam Shovel is an old school R&B band that I recently joined. We’ve been practicing for a few months now and have our first gig this weekend at the Devils Triangle Motorcycle Rally at Grey Wolf Campground. We’ll perform Friday and Saturday sometime after 2:00PM each day.
“What’s a nice Christian boy doing in that kind of band” you may ask? Well, as the late great Larry Norman said, “I know that Jesus saved my soul, but I still like to listen to the radio.” He also said, “There’s nothing wrong with playing blues licks.” This kind of music is just plain fun. It’s music about the human condition. Besides, to reach a lost and dying world we need to show them that we can identify with them. Hardcore bikers don’t identify with starched white shirts and hymn music.
The band is Chuck “Guitar” McCrosky on electric guitar, the “Great and Powerful Tony” on drums, “Spider Tom” Case on bass and backup vocals, and yours truly on vocals.
“Spider Tom” and I are both CMA members and will be wearing our colors on stage. If the crowd likes our music maybe they’ll be more willing to hear what we have to say about spiritual matters after the show.
The CMA will be well represented at this rally. Pray for witnessing opportunities.
To learn more about the rally go to
Thursday, April 17, 2008
This forty foot container contained medicine and nutritional supplies that our medical team will need when they arrive on May 1. Our team will be working along side a Joni and Friends wheelchair distribution team for about a week. Please pray for the teams as they prepare to minister in the name of Jesus to some of the most impoverished people of Guatemala.
Bodega Bruce
P.S. I will remain at home to continue working on the next container, which is scheduled to ship in mid June.
Monday, March 31, 2008

Dear Friends,
Thank you for your prayers. The container left for Guatemala on time Friday and should be at sea sometime today (Monday). This load includes supplies for our medical team which will be in Guatemala the first week in May, a dozen medical exam tables, 58 wheelchairs for Bethel Ministries International, supplies for Hospital Shalom Peten, and hundreds of other items for distribution to anyone in need from our "bodega" in Guatemala.
Now it's time for me to start working on the next load, which should be ready to sail sometime in May.
THANKS for your prayers and support.
Bodega Bruce
Check out the Links (below right) to visit our Vine Guatemala blog site, Hospital Shalom, and Bethel.
Wednesday, March 19, 2008
Vine International: Ministry Prayer Request

I just found out that our shipping date for the next container of medical supplies to Guatemala is March 28. This caught me a little off guard, as I was hoping to have another week. (I’m glade I went to Daytona, but part of me wishes I could have that time back.) Vine has a medical team going on May 1, and we have medicines in our “bodega” (warehouse) that they will need. It can take 3-4 weeks to clear customs, so shipping on the 28th is our only option.
Recently I saw “WWJWD?” That stands for “What Would John Wayne Do?” The “Duke” would hunker down and get the job done no matter what, and that’s what I’ll do. I’ll be working long hours over the next 9 days, including Easter. Please pray for my stamina.
Bodega Bruce
Tuesday, March 18, 2008
Shipping News

So far this year Vine has imported 3 containers into Guatemala. One came from our “bodega” in Tennessee, one from Samaritan’s Purse, and one from MAP International. We hope to have another one ready to ship from our “bodega” in a few weeks, and Joni and Friends of Knoxville is working on a container of wheelchairs. Vine has partnered with Joni and Friends since the day they opened their Knoxville office, and has handled the importation of all their wheelchairs into Guatemala. 2008 is off to a great start, thanks to all our great supporters! You can click on the Vine International link (below right) to visit our home page.
Wednesday, March 12, 2008
Daytona Bike Week
By Bruce White
By Bruce White
All good things must come to an end, so on Saturday, March 8, I began my ride home from Daytona. The Interstate system is a great way to get where you’re going fast, but let’s face it, it’s BORING! For my ride home I decided to take the US Highways and see a little of our great country. Here’s a few of the things that I saw that I would have missed if I had taken the Interstate.
Tuesday, February 26, 2008
Friday, January 25, 2008
Shipping News
Bodega Bruce
Thursday, January 17, 2008
Shipping News
There's still a lot of work to do, but the end is in sight. The ship
date is Thursday, Jan, 24. To all my friends who think I've dropped off
the face of the earth, just call the "bodega." I'm there seven days a
week and late into the evening until this job is done.
Bodega Bruce